47% of european male are going bald

Some men accept balding, some even look great with their new looks. If you are that fortunate, close this window! 😉

But we all know men who cannot deal with thinning hair. They feel they lose years and charm. Morning by morning looking in the mirror causes stress and anxiety. Sounds familiar? You are in the right place! 

Why men going bald?

Male pattern hair loss is caused by DHT hormone. It’s present in every man’s body but circa half of men have DHT-sensitive hair follicles. DHT is literally suffocating their hair. 

Probably you’ve noticed that even the most bald men have some hair on the back of the neck in a half-moon shape. The reason: DHT sensitive follicles are just on the top of the head – hairs on the nape are resistant to DHT.

Because hair on the nape is resistant to DHT, they are not going to fall even if replaced to the top of the head. You have to deal with hair transplant only once and you can say goodbye to the bald spots forever.

Successful men face their problems and solve them - doesn't matter what area of life we are talking about.

Going bald is a problem if you feel so. 

Good news is bald spots can be covered with the help of modern medicine.

At Hair Transplant we are planting DHT resistant hair from the back of the neck to the top of the head.

It really doesn’t fall?

No, really not. If you follow the guidelines in the first 3 weeks, follicles impregnate and stay in place for a lifetime. DHT does not affect them anymore, why would they fall? 🙂

These are not just empty promises, we give you warranty for our work!

Is spacing noticeable in the back?

No, nobody is going to be able to say you had a hair transplant. We pick a calculated number of hairs from the back, so it covers bald spots but spacing remains invisible.

If hair transplant works, why is Bruce Willis still bald?

His hair loss is so extensive that it cannot be fixed with a hair transplant. 

If your donor area is weak and too thin, so it cannot give us enough hair to cover the bald spots, we are going to be honest with you – we don’t want to force an operation if neither you or us wouldn’t be proud of the outcome.

Famous or not, british or asian, over 1 million men decide to have a hair transplant a year.

Famous or not, british or asian, over 1 million men decide to have a hair transplant a year.

Check out the gallery, see with your own eyes the transformation of our patients.

Reference pics

Warum Budapest?

Als Hauptstadt von Ungarn zählt Budapest mit seinen über 2 Millionen Einwohnern zu den romantischsten und unterhaltsamsten Hauptstädten der Welt. Die Stadt gilt nicht umsonst als „Paris des Ostens“: Sie besticht durch breite Prachtstraßen, grüne Parks, atemberaubende Jugendstilgebäude und in lebhaften Farben bemalte Kirchen, quirlige Cafés und Musikschauplätze von Weltrang. Auch heute noch finden sich in der Stadt Überreste aus der Römerzeit, türkische Bäder und Architektur aus der Gotik und dem Barock.

Die sich windende Donau teilt die Stadt in zwei Hälften und wird pittoresk von mehreren eindrucksvollen Brücken überspannt. Bei einem Besuch in Budapest taucht man nicht nur in die Vergangenheit ein, sondern hat auch die Möglichkeit, eine Stadt zu erleben, die sich ihre eigene, strahlende Zukunft erbaut.

Wählen Sie die modernste Haartranstransplationsoperation in der Budapester ART ‘N HAIR Klinik, in exklusiver Umgebung, mit erfahrenen Spezialisten für Haartransplantation – und bezahlen Sie weniger!

Wie viel kostet die Behandlung?
Sicherlich möchten Sie wissen, was die Kosten einer Haartransplantation sind, schauen Sie sich unsere Preise an…

Hair transplant is now a routine operation.

Does it hurt?

No, because we use anesthesia for the whole procedure. Maybe it’s just a little inconvenient.

Does it work?

Yes, check out our references.

Is it expensive?

Something is expensive if it isn’t worth it. If you feel insecure because of hair loss, it is worth it to fix the problem through a one day procedure and forget about balding for good. But of course there are big differences in prices…

Let us give you 5+1 reason why to choose Budapest and Art ‘N Hair clinic!

There are a good couple of hair transplant clinics in the UK and Europe. We are positive that all of them provide excellent service and all the european doctors do their best to please patients. But let us give you 5+1 reason why to choose Budapest and Art ‘N Hair clinic!

1) Experience 

The theory of hair transplant seems so simple but to master it in practice, a doctor needs to perform as much operation as possible. The 4 doctors of Art N Hair have years of experience in hair transplant…we tried to count, we were also shocked: our doctors transplanted over 4.5 million hairs in the past couple of years!

2) Teamwork 

The perfect result in hair transplant is not just up to the doctor, this is teamwork. If there is good chemistry between doctor and assistant, you lay much less time on the operation table. A good team is aware of your signs and makes sure you feel as good as possible on your big day.

Most of our patients are surprised how quick the day passed.

3) Honesty 

There are some baldness patterns and medical circumstances when we cannot guarantee a beautiful result. In this case we don’t force the operation. 

Every single man we operate is a living reference of our work, so our patients’ satisfaction is extremely important for us!

4) Professionalism 

Some clinics promise a transplant of 4000 grafts in a day or offer robotic surgeries. In most cases this is just marketing and it’s all about money 🙁

According to the american hair transplant association in one day 1500-2000 grafts (hair units) are supposed to be planted. More cuts are not healthy for the donor area nor for the patient. 

We would need to inject so much lidocaine that it would wash out the planted hairs. 

If it’s still not enough we recommend a second surgery a year later. 

In a year the donor area regains its strength, and is ready for another surgery.  

We do not operate for longer than 6-7 hours – this is the best for your physic and psyche as well as a patient.

5) Care 

Art ‘N Hair is not a cold clinic environment, you are going to sense that as soon as you enter the waiting room 🙂 We love our job, we love our patients and we are always ready for you. If you give us your trust we not just perform a surgery, we take care of your hair for the whole first year (at least). You can always give us a call and consult with your doctor. 

We would like to see how your hair situation is developing so we would like to see pictures of your head in the 1st week, 1st-3rd-6th and 12th month.

hajbeültetés ára mennyibe kerül

6) Warranty 

Not many doctors take warranty for their work. We prefer to take responsibility for our work! 

Final result will be shown after 12 months.

Thank God corrections are very rare, but every human is different, so it might happen in 2-3% of the cases that hair doesn’t grow perfectly.

If correction is needed we do it for 75% off from the actual price of a 1 day operation. 


The individual cost of a hair transplant depends on the number of grafts and how quickly the hair can be transplanted.

1 day procedure

1500-2000 grafts

hajbeültetés előtte utána eredmény referencia

990.000 Ft

890.000 Ft

1 day procedure

2000-2500 grafts

hajbeültetés eredmény

1.090.000 Ft

990.000 Ft

2 days procedure

2500-3500+ grafts

2 napos hajbeültetés eredmény

1.679.000 Ft

from 1.390.000 Ft

1 day procedure

1200 – 1500 grafts

HUF 829.000

🎁 Platelet-rich plasma therapy as a gift as a gift

1 day procedure

1500 + grafts

HUF 829.000
+ 320 HUF / graft

🎁 Platelet-rich plasma therapy as a gift as a gift

2 days procedure

2500 – 3000 grafts

HUF 1.370.000

🎁 Platelet-rich plasma therapy as a gift as a gift

2 days procedure

3000 + grafts

HUF 1.370.000 Ft
+ 320 HUF / graft

🎁 Platelet-rich plasma therapy as a gift as a gift

Graft = a hair follicle unit with 1-4 hairs in it.

*Depending on free surgery dates. The final price offer may vary individually, therefore the prices listed are for information only and do not constitute an official offer. For a request for a quote and further information, please register for a consultation.

*Hogy lehetne kevesebb? Tájékozódj a kedvezményekről, kattints a csempékre! ↓↓↓


Our doctors are partners of the European Hair Implant Association, FUE Europe. They regularly attend training courses abroad to keep up to date with the latest trends in hair restoration and hair maintenance.

All of our doctors and assistants speak excellent English, but we also have a German team member so you can feel at home in our clinic 🙂

The consultation fee will be REFUNDED
from the price of hair surgery

The fee for the personal consultation is HUF 10,000, the fee for the online consultation is HUF 5,000, which must be paid in advance by credit card or bank transfer after the date is issued. By the end of the one-hour consultation, you will have the results of a hair survey (and hair camera examination) with a medical opinion. That’s not all! The consultation fee, if you book with us, will be credited to the price of the surgery.

Would you like to make an appointment for a consultation or receive a non-binding price offer?

Online consultation

During the online consultation (videochat), your head will be thoroughly examined by the specialists at the Art ‘N Hair Clinic in order to find out whether you have the option of a hair transplant. The condition of your scalp and hair will be assessed.

Then the number of hairs (grafts) to be transplanted is estimated. You will receive a price offer and a treatment plan from the specialist.

The details of the operation and the trip are agreed by phone or online video chat. You will also be informed of the months following the procedure.

Book a consultation now!

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